Friday, January 20, 2012

Goth VS Rock Fashion.

Hi there again.

Goths and rockstars are the two groups that I have been getting my inspiration from in terms of fashion lately. I absolutely adore both of these cultures because they stay true to what they are, and somehow always comes out, at the very least, as interesting.

Some (or many) people may ask: What's the difference between goth and rock styles? Aren't they just all black clothing with silver accessories and kohl liner and black nail polish? (that's basically it for the similarities.) Well, if we look closer, there are actually many obvious differences we can spot. So let's break them down, starting with Goth.


Goths never fail to impress me with how eerily disturbing but yet sophisticated and polished they look.

In contrast to what people usually think, goths pay a whole damn lotta attention to the way they dress. Japanese gothic lolitas will tell you so.  

Look at each and every piece of their clothing, there are bound to be intricate details just splashed EVERYWHERE, from the pouf of their petticoats, the criss-crossed back of their corsets and numerous types of lace that could wrap around their dress, to the outrageously loud knee-high laced boots and stunning work-of-art accessories.

This trend is inspired from the Edwardian to the Victorian era, when women's dresses (especially in Europe, don't duh me) were huge and elaborate.  

  As can be seen from this illustration. Look at those corsets! and there are sure to be petticoats under those skirts. 

Below are a few pictures to introduce to you what gothic fashion is like.


Starting to see what I mean by sophistication? :) Those complex designs are always so well-put together!

All hail the goths for creating such beautiful, intricate accessories. My all-time favourite kinds. 
Wanted to buy some for prom but i didn't have the money -.-

Oh, many people also think goths only wear black, which is really not the case. I remember reading an article wear goths dress in pure white, because according to them, goths were rule-breakers after all, might as well just break the goth rules too! (love goths <3) These people are a subgroup of goths by the way.  There are also elements of red (most common), purple, silver and green (found in steampunk).
Goths are also one of the most 'english-y' people in our society because of their love for 'ancient' things, like classic literature (Edgar Allan Poe anyone?). Of course, this does not apply to all the goths.


Admittedly, I don't know the basics of rock fashion because there aren't many articles that I could find on the internet that explains how it works. BUT, out of the many pictures I see, I think rock fashion is probably based on the sentence: I don't give a damn, I'll wear anything I want and you will like it. This actually has something to do with the rockers' attitudes! They are confident and they know how to express themselves through what they wear. Don't like it? Screw it! :)

Stereotypical elements of rock fashion include: Leather, PVC, studs, spikes, tie-dye, acid-wash, rips, latex, kohl liner and crazy afro hair (a-la Slash. LOL just kidding.)

True-blue rock style from the 1980s:


Aerosmith and Guns & Roses.

And a little more designer kind of rock fashion:

Balmain, dunno which season this is.

And some modern fashion icons whom i ADORE:

Lua P. You have no idea how much I love her.

 And of course, my Adam baby <3

(*disclaimer: all credits to sources for the pictures) 

Unlike the always-polished look of the goths, rockers always have a sense of easiness and a kind of dont-care attitude toward what they wear and everyone else, but they always manage to look flawless. (WHY? IM JEALOUS!)

Oh, best thing about these two styles? They are NEVER out of style. :D

Therefore, the moral of the story is: Wear whatever you want, don't let others put you down!

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