Sunday, January 19, 2014

Mid-Jan already..... (?!) - Career Options, Life Decisions

Just a short update....

I cant believe it is mid-Jan already, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE FIRST HALF GO?

lol anyway, I have been really into educating myself lately with books, videos and work to prepare myself for the real world. 

The more I read into business and entrepreneurship the more colourful and exciting it gets.

I told Miss Leong I was reconsidering my career options as 'it' was too difficult. I think she thought that I meant business, but what I really meant was fashion marketing and design. The past month has really opened my eyes up to many new possibilities regarding my future, and quite frankly, I think the fashion business now is wayy too saturated for my liking. Every girl out there thinks they have what it takes to succeed, and they are probably right because they TRY. (unlike me who hasnt done anything yet)

The thing that I realised about successful entrepreneurs is that they come up with things that have never been thought of before, ie. virtually no competition there. The only people they are competing with is themselves. This is the road that I believe I want to take 10 years down the road, not struggling to stay afloat with probably 100,000 other blogshops trying to make it big. 

Ecommerce is reaching a stagnating point despite its ever-growing revenue, and it is time to find the gaps and opportunities that I can seize now in order to ensure long term success.

Right now, I have so many ideas that I want to bring to life, but I have virtually no resources nor knowledge, which is why getting into the business course for me is so important. 

I just had a sudden revelation today as to how important technology is going to be in the next few decades, which lead me to suddenly want to pursue a major in information systems or electrical/computer engineering. Crazy I know, not to mention my disinterest in it for the past 18 years (that was dedicated to pursuing the arts). However, I now think that getting myself equipped with technological know-how will be extremely useful in the years to come. 

Im even reconsidering what school I want to get into. Initially it was NTU (and still is dont get me wrong, especially if its the business course), but NUS offers double majors which is really appealing to me. Specialising in only one degree would be too drying for me, and quite frankly wouldnt get me anywhere in the real world. Business, engineering, sociology, communications, information systems..... they are all very closely interrelated, despite how so many people want to enclose them in boxes. 

Decisions, decisions.....

 All of these might sound really nerdy but hey you would find it really insightful as well once you read into it. I for one started on this out of curiosity and also perhaps due to an overdose of the 'high' life. Too much indulgence is not really a good thing. Another factor is that I have met people who are so fucking intelligent and talented and basically have everything in the world and that got my competitive spirit up a great deal.

On a side note, I have decided to pick up journal writing again (the dear diary shit) because this blog is getting really public. Some things are just not meant to be shared with others and it wouldnt reflect very well of me either. Well, a journal is a good thing I guess, it improves my writing skills and also allows me to deeper reflect on my experiences. 

I will still be updating my blog, but it'll be on more superficial stuff like outings or some great insight that I have gained and want to share with everyone to make the world a better place (lol).

So what have you all been up to lately? Those who have school, all the best to you! Those who are working, lets go hang sometime yeah? ;) till then~

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