I just posted up a status on Facebook which said 'New life goal: be a millionare by the time im 35'.
It's unbelieveable, the amount of skepticism that I get when I make that statement. People dont even need to tell me what they are thinking, I already know it. They are all thinking the same thing: That is practically impossible. You? Millionare? We are just slaves for the system, how far do you really think we can go?
But really, just how many people actually believe that they are going to succeed in life?
Before elaborating on my point any further, just gonna share my current work experience which has taught me so much and led me to wanna blog about the topic. (There are going to be 3-4 parts to this, there is too much to write about)
I got kinda tired of my old (still on) job, which is as slack as heck, and wanted to find a new job so that I can gain much more experience. I went to google job searches and happened to find a position of management trainee that a company called Forte Organisation was hiring. The job sounded pretty okay to me, and I honestly wasnt expecting much out of it because of the not-too-good experience at my previous job, so then decided to sign up for it.
Heck, it was the best decision I ever made.
Immediately within two hours when I submitted my resume, I got a call from the company asking for an interview the next day. Imagine the level of efficiency that the company has. Unbelieveable. Then on the day of the interview, I met the lady who has made the largest impact on me in my life so far since the first week I started work: My [temporary] boss, Allison.
The first impression I had of her was: wow, she is so gorgeous and so YOUNG. How the heck did she get up there so fast, and look barely older than my seniors?
During the interview, she kept emphasising on how young I was, and knowing that I didnt know what I really signed myself up for, she started explaining the job scope to me from the start. My heart started to sink when I heard what the job really consisted of. From doing sales, progressing on to training, then finally managing your own company, my first reaction was like 'holy shit, what the fuck did I get myself into?'
Allison then continued to ask if I was planning to continue to the university, which I said yes to (of course I have to get a basic degree), then proceeded to explain that she didnt think that it would be worth it to invest in me because I wasnt going to be staying for very long. I totally understood her POV, any employer would have thought the same way. Besides, I had absolutely ZERO experience in sales and business management, and comparing to my colleagues who were graduates and working people, I wasnt exactly the best person to hire for the company.
When I was already expecting a 'Thank you very much it was so nice meeting you bye bye', she suddenly dropped an offer, which was to put me on probation for 2 weeks to see if I was really worth investing in. I initially didnt know what the heck she was talking about, and when she said 'so I would see you tomorrow at 8 down here' I went 'um whut' (she was speaking a little fast and I was also bombarded with a lot of information which I was a slow in absorbing)
So basically I was offered the most gorgeous of an opportunity for an 18 year old: work amongst people much more experienced than you, of all different age groups and who were very, very good at what they do - closing sales. At that point of time, it didnt really matter whether Allison wanted to keep me or not at the end of two weeks, all I needed was the experience and to learn as much as possible along the way.
So then began my journey in Forte Organisation.
Stay tuned for part 2, this would definitely be a series that I would finish documenting.
Sometimes, its best to let your hair down and dash through the serenity of the silent woods.
Monday, January 27, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
Mid-Jan already..... (?!) - Career Options, Life Decisions
Just a short update....
I cant believe it is mid-Jan already, WHERE THE FUCK DID THE FIRST HALF GO?
lol anyway, I have been really into educating myself lately with books, videos and work to prepare myself for the real world.
The more I read into business and entrepreneurship the more colourful and exciting it gets.
I told Miss Leong I was reconsidering my career options as 'it' was too difficult. I think she thought that I meant business, but what I really meant was fashion marketing and design. The past month has really opened my eyes up to many new possibilities regarding my future, and quite frankly, I think the fashion business now is wayy too saturated for my liking. Every girl out there thinks they have what it takes to succeed, and they are probably right because they TRY. (unlike me who hasnt done anything yet)
The thing that I realised about successful entrepreneurs is that they come up with things that have never been thought of before, ie. virtually no competition there. The only people they are competing with is themselves. This is the road that I believe I want to take 10 years down the road, not struggling to stay afloat with probably 100,000 other blogshops trying to make it big.
Ecommerce is reaching a stagnating point despite its ever-growing revenue, and it is time to find the gaps and opportunities that I can seize now in order to ensure long term success.
Right now, I have so many ideas that I want to bring to life, but I have virtually no resources nor knowledge, which is why getting into the business course for me is so important.
I just had a sudden revelation today as to how important technology is going to be in the next few decades, which lead me to suddenly want to pursue a major in information systems or electrical/computer engineering. Crazy I know, not to mention my disinterest in it for the past 18 years (that was dedicated to pursuing the arts). However, I now think that getting myself equipped with technological know-how will be extremely useful in the years to come.
Im even reconsidering what school I want to get into. Initially it was NTU (and still is dont get me wrong, especially if its the business course), but NUS offers double majors which is really appealing to me. Specialising in only one degree would be too drying for me, and quite frankly wouldnt get me anywhere in the real world. Business, engineering, sociology, communications, information systems..... they are all very closely interrelated, despite how so many people want to enclose them in boxes.
Decisions, decisions.....
All of these might sound really nerdy but hey you would find it really insightful as well once you read into it. I for one started on this out of curiosity and also perhaps due to an overdose of the 'high' life. Too much indulgence is not really a good thing. Another factor is that I have met people who are so fucking intelligent and talented and basically have everything in the world and that got my competitive spirit up a great deal.
On a side note, I have decided to pick up journal writing again (the dear diary shit) because this blog is getting really public. Some things are just not meant to be shared with others and it wouldnt reflect very well of me either. Well, a journal is a good thing I guess, it improves my writing skills and also allows me to deeper reflect on my experiences.
I will still be updating my blog, but it'll be on more superficial stuff like outings or some great insight that I have gained and want to share with everyone to make the world a better place (lol).
So what have you all been up to lately? Those who have school, all the best to you! Those who are working, lets go hang sometime yeah? ;) till then~
Wednesday, January 1, 2014
Siloso Beach Party 2013 and It's Adventures (update)
This Siloso Beach Party was the virgin clubbing experience for the other two and the first party countdown together for all of us. Veronica was supposed to join us but couldnt at the last minute due to personal reasons :( (MISS U RONNIE) However, the show must go on, so we went ahead with the party.
There were a HELL LOT of strange experiences that I went through there (not all unpleasant though) that I will elaborate upon later in the post, but first things first........ the journey to the party.
I actually won two free passes to the countdown but I had already purchased the tickets much earlier on, so I had three tickets to sell. Surprisingly, there were tons of people who still wanted the tickets. Once I placed adverts on the various social media, my phone started getting bombarded with orders. Cutting the long story short, I managed to sell them for $160 altogether, which aint too bad.
The girls and I then made our way to the venue......
Camwhoring on the train.
We reached the place at about 6 plus which was FREAKING early considering the countdown was at about 11 something, but that was due to ticketing issues and buyer related matters. We entertained ourselves instead by walking around the venue to see what was available.
It was really a waste for only one of the five stages (the main one) to be filled, im sure the organisers put in a lot of effort setting up all of them.
When we entered, we saw a temporary tattoo booth and since it was going to be new year, we thought we might as well just YOLO and get one. This is the one that I decided to get:
Bad Girl
Since I had already lost half of my dignity dressing in this manner, might as well just lose a little more.
Besides, I have always wanted to feel a little badass so this probably satisfied that craving.
Yee Hwa's rose tattoo.
It actually cost 10 dollars to do hers but the shopkeepers were nice enough to let her do it at 5!
Same story for Yue Ning. Sigh, such nice people.
(but they are really smart, doing such a lucrative business there...)
We then headed toward the main stage...
The beach was about 1.2km long and we three walked back and forth about 5-6 times. Lotsa workout there.
The entrance to the main stage!
Girls on stilts! The costumes are gorgeous
The glow sticks we got from doing a survey. We each got a different primary colour, I got yellow.
(which happened to match my outfit)
The resolution board!
And my personal resolution :)
Having a lot of fun in the bubbles!
Each ticketholder was entitled to a free drink, either a Carlsberg or a coke.
Guess who got the coke? (it isnt me)
Yue Ning and I doing the love shot <3
...... and Yee Hwa nonchalantly sipping her coke
Since it was relatively early and hardly anybody was at the dance floor, we went to lepak by the chairs near the food booths.

The glowsticks lighted up!
My hands blocking LOL
It was tiring to jump around all night so we went to the couches at the wavehouse to conserve our energy before the countdown before going back at 11.40.
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2014!!!!!!!!!
Treated to a fireworks display! ^.^
Okay, so the weird experiences happened AFTER the countdown.
Firstly, everyone was happily jumping and dancing to the music, slightly high on alcohol. People all around wished us Happy New Year and we reciprocated.
For some reason, quite a number people in front were trying to leave the dancefloor after the countdown, one of them who happened to be a drunk ang moh. He grabbed my waist and pressed me against the red-haired dude behind me (who wished me happy new year and who looked a bit like Noah Yap lol) then screamed: ARE YOU TWO TOGETHER? We both shook our heads vigorously but he completely ignored us and said: KISS HER KISS HER. NO KISS HIM KISS HIM.
I was at a loss of what to do and didnt want to give in to his request, but his snaky hands were already sliding down my waist and was gonna reach some inappropriate area so I quickly gave the dude a smack on the cheek. Well I guess its ok because its only the cheek. But I was wearing red lipstick and left a huge mark on his face and was so fucking embarrassed after that, made even worse with his friends teasing him.
AND IT WAS MY FIRST TIME KISSING A GUY (albeit not on the mouth)
The red-haired guy apologised to me after that and I apologised to him as well. But we made acquaintances after that and when he went forward nearer to the stage he beckoned me and the girls to join him and his friends. Which was nice. And he was sweet.
Then an even WEIRDER incident happened after that. (note: all this happened in a little less than 1 and a half hours) I was already quite interested with making acquaintances with the red-haired guy, but all of a sudden a tall and cute dude came up to me and said 'Hey there, nice to meet you. Is it your first time here?'
Then somehow he managed to whisk me into this long conversation and in the process snaked his hands around me, my shoulders and then my waist. I kinda knew what was happening but I didnt stop it because I wanted to see what would happen next. It was really flattering and pretty exhilarating, and it totally helped that he had a handsome face and perfect-teeth smile. (Furthermore, he was topless. Which made it all the more distracting) For the record he was only two years older than I was so yeah. No age gap thing going on there.
His smooth way of talking and the fact that he knew EXACTLY what to say and how to act already SCREAMED 'PLAYER' in my face. He shared with me a bit of information of himself and I realised that not only was he a good looking player, but also extremely (like, really) intelligent. What kind of guy was he? I was really fascinated. If it were anyone else I wouldnt have been as ready to accept the invitation but then I decided to play along into his game.
He later managed to convince me to get drinks with him and I did, but not before making arrangements with the other two to meet at 2 (in case I got drugged). He paid for my drinks (rich) and played five-ten with me in order to get me to drink and get drunk. Thank goodness I managed to play on par and we drank equally if not I would have to down 4 cups of idkwhatthefuckismixedintothecoke drink. It was nice of him to ask for more coke to lower the strength of the alcohol tho.
I said to him during the game: 'Don't you think I should be at least a bit suspicious of you?'
Then he looked at me and replied with: 'Do I look like the kind who would do anything?'
When I told him it was precisely the fact that he didnt look like the type that I should be extra careful, but he brushed it off and said I was too guarded.
Later on, he held my hand and brought me to meet his friends, who were a darn hillarious bunch of people. One friend's first greeting to him was 'Eh...... FUCK YOU CHEE BAI 2014 GO AND DIE LA' and I wanted to burst out laughing because that was such a typical bro greeting.
I observed the girls who were with his friends and they all look wasted. One of his friends offered ice (to sober up apparently) to all the girls. One of the girls took the ice, inspected it closely and flung it away, all done in an absoultely drunk manner. The guy holding her glanced at me and I glanced back at him, and we both knew what happened and giggled. But her behaviour got me thinking: how could she act like that? No matter how drunk you are, it aint a pretty sight to show your boyfriend, or anyone for that matter.
I had a suspicion that all these girls were also picked up at the dancefloor just like I was but maybe they were the dude's friends as well. Who knows.
One thing that I noticed, he was extremely protective of me the whole time, with his arm around me and made sure that no drunk people came near me. Very nice of him, but the player signs were made even more obvious.
Later, I made my way with him to the dancefloor with his friends, then things got rather....... steamy. He stood behind me and put his hands around my waist and then somehow we were grinding against each other. I could feel his body pressed against mine and it was so foreign. I had always dreamed of having a guy embracing me like that but it was nothing compared to the real thing. I let my body relax and leaned against him and he put his mouth at my neck and continued bumping to the music.
He played with my hair and slipped both of his hands into mine. The only problem was that the stupid light stick I was carrying was blocking the way. He then proceeded to very sensually undo the ribbon of the light stick, made a necklace out if it and put it around his friends neck (HAHA) then proceeded to slip his hands into mine again.
It'll be a lie if I said I didnt have any clue what to do. I went with my gut here, my scorpio instincts were on fire. (Not gonna elaborate any further on this and its gonna be up to your imagination) We stayed that way for a long time, and it was really comfortable. The only point where I uncomfortable was when he slid his hands down my waist near down there where it was EXTREMELY ticklish and inappropriate. I was a bit afraid and wanted to laugh at the same time (the irony) but it would have totally destroyed the atmosphere so I motioned him to get his hands up. He responded by turning me around and gave me a full on hug (while still dancing).
[Of course, that action wasnt because his feelings grew, but because he didnt want me to see what he was texting. I kept looking at his phone and watch discreetly when I could because I had to keep track of the time.]
He wanted me to stay throughout the night with him and tried to convince me to do so. Initially I wanted to stay but since the other two were depending on me and my parents for a ride home, I decided against it. I told him (at 2 o clock sharp, i think he was surprised that I kept the time so well without a watch nor phone) that I needed to find the other two. He volunteered to follow me to the place and so we made our way to the lockers where the girls were waiting.
Halfway through the walk, he asked: 'Why leave so early? didnt you enjoy the music? (I think thats what he said, I couldnt hear properly)' then I told him I enjoyed the music a lot. He responded with a laugh and a baffled look. Then all of a sudden he acted alpha male with me and took my chin very gently but firmly and stared into my eyes and said,'would you stay?'
His eyes were so serious that I gave a slight giggle while looking at the floor, stunned and not knowing what to say. I had NO IDEA that he wanted to kiss me until he did it. Thank GOD not on my lips (right beside it instead), or I would have lost my first kiss to a player.
His eyes were so serious that I gave a slight giggle while looking at the floor, stunned and not knowing what to say. I had NO IDEA that he wanted to kiss me until he did it. Thank GOD not on my lips (right beside it instead), or I would have lost my first kiss to a player.
However, I didnt react to it even though I liked it. I had to stay firm, otherwise who knows what other stuff might happen. And no matter how much I enjoyed myself I couldnt go that far with a one-time fling. He sensed that I wasnt into it since I didnt budge at all, and my face remained stone-cold. I think he was disappointed, but said, 'alright I will walk you there' and started holding my hand again. I felt really bad but no way was he gonna have me there. Itll just be like 'oh yay I scored another one' kinda thing, you know?
He asked for my number and left me with his, asked me for one last time whether there was any possibility that I was going back to the dance floor, then left to go find his friends.
To the guy if you ever read this (although I dont think you will): I had an amazing time with you, and thank you so much for giving me such a wonderful memory. Sorry for being so socially awkward and not being able to have a proper conversation because I have no idea what to say, and also for being so suspicious half the time. And please dont mind me rejecting some of your advances, its only for the best.
For a guy who has everything in the world [ie. good looks, brains, money, slick personality. Yes he proved that he had all of these things in a short two hours] and could get any girl he wants, he is the type a girl should stay the furthest away from.
He reminds me a lot of this guy
I'm starting to see why players choose to act the way they do.
That momentary kick of pleasure that you get with the other person gets you so high, and whats even better is that you wont have to have any feelings attached. Once you are done, its on to the next one.
Why choose to bother with falling in love when all it brings is pain and suffering? Being a player is so much easier.
I will no longer bother with things like love and romance anymore for now, and just choose to enjoy company as it is. Until the day.......
But it isnt now.
Anyway, even though he said he would message me again, I highly doubt he would because well, itll be unfair for me to stereotype him but I guess all players are the same. At the very least, I got to have such an experience with one and thankfully, no harm came to me, and I had a lot of fun. Definitely a great way to begin my 2014. :)
That being said, I later found out that I ruined the first two hours for YN and YH because they were so damn worried about me and tried to find me. (oops) Thanks for the love guys, I feel it!!
So how did you guys spend your New Year's Eve?
Happy New Year 2014 everybody! <3
Saw him again at Mink. Cant believe it........ I think im starting to grow fond of him even though we only met twice.
but no. both of us were with other people that night, and apparently those from that school still have a really strong discrimination against those from mine. I knew he was a player and after that night he probably thought I was one too. only in it for one thing, doesnt matter who it is.
Im starting to wonder if its really worth it to play around like that. Of course, clubbing has its many benefits like meeting new friends and getting high but ultimately, it isnt the kind of atmosphere that I want to be surrounded in.
Yesterday's experience was probably enough for me for the rest of the year, still not feeling so good from all the alcohol.
wtf am i doing with my life. -.-
Saw him again at Mink. Cant believe it........ I think im starting to grow fond of him even though we only met twice.
but no. both of us were with other people that night, and apparently those from that school still have a really strong discrimination against those from mine. I knew he was a player and after that night he probably thought I was one too. only in it for one thing, doesnt matter who it is.
Im starting to wonder if its really worth it to play around like that. Of course, clubbing has its many benefits like meeting new friends and getting high but ultimately, it isnt the kind of atmosphere that I want to be surrounded in.
Yesterday's experience was probably enough for me for the rest of the year, still not feeling so good from all the alcohol.
wtf am i doing with my life. -.-
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