The first, Lady Gaga.
I mean, what more can i say about her than you cant already see? She revolutionised fashion of the 21st century with her crazy costumes and 7 inch platforms. Designers are DYING to clothe her. She got widely criticized for this, but she kept her middle finger held high and kept at what she was doing. Now, people have warmed up to the idea of avant-garde fashion, and now, she is one of the most popular fashion icons in the world. Gaga, may i rape your wardrobe please? :3
Who can forget this CUTE bow hair?? We all have to thank her for inventing this.
Lady Gaga walking down the runway. She collaborated with two designers (although i cant remember who) and actually made Anna Wintour smile!!!! (she has never smiled since 2003)
My favourite Gaga fashion moment. Fuck the haters, this meat dress was the one that made people WAKE UP and pay attention to the awesome multi-talented her.
Perfection. Just..... Perfect. Argh may i steal this??
Are you kidding me?
Now some of you guys might say, she only inspires you just coz of her clothes? Of course not!! I look at whether singers can actually sing before I study them any further. Of course, the fashion is a perk. As is have said before, those who says lady Gaga cant sing need to get their ears checked badly. She sings flawless live ballads and can hit all her high notes well. (Adele cant even hit higher than a B in her live performances without using her head voice. And whats up with all the hype about her.)
Just a side note, Gaga graduated from Julliard and wrote "Fever" (Adam Lambert's song now) when she was only 19. And it became a HUGE hit. Being classically trained in piano as well, she wrote the acoustic version of pokerface and performed it live with a piano, complete with her powerful voice. (and, that version was also performed by the Glee cast.) so Basically, Gaga writes her own songs.
Before she became such a megastar, Lady Gaga had her tough times. She was condescended upon by her peers because they thought she was weird, which left her lonely and sad. She just couldnt seem to fit in with anybody else. (And im glad she didnt.) That didnt get her down though. Also, I dont know where I heard this piece of information from, but someone said that Lady Gaga told her ex-bf (who kept discouraging her i think): Ill make sure you wont be able to buy a fucking cup of coffee without hearing my name over the radio. You go, girl!!
Next on my list, who else but my Adam? <3
He is all eyeliner, rocker screamer goodness, as we all already know. Classically trained in voice as a child, he did musical theatre for twenty over years, then went into American idol and exploded into the music scene with his awesome timbre and high notes. Check out his Whole Lotta Love performance on American Idol if you havent. amazing stuff.
But, the reason why inspires me, is because of his personality. Everyone who has met him in person all loves him and is kissing every inch of his beautiful boots and butt when asked to comment about him. Even some cynical meanies from Idolatry praised Adam for managing to never make them dislike him. The big question is, HOW does Adam manage to please everyone?
Maybe, it is all due to his ability to speak well. He can go on and on (and on and on and on) if you let him. This, I am extremely jealous of, because I cant even hold a proper conversation with someone without having awkward silences in between. I suck i know. He talks so much, and yet seem so interesting that you pay attention to every single word he says (unlike teachers). Wish I had that ability.
Or perhaps, because he is always so down to earth. He thanks everyone for their hard work, gives credit to those people who deserve it, and always works very, very hard. Background information before Idol: Quit college to pursue his dreams, lived in a rundown apartment filled with cockroaches (his mum was so shocked till she cried all the way home), did odd jobs to earn a living to pay the rent, and perform everyday in the theater. He never defends himself when people criticizes his performances (i mean on singing, the AMAs is a totally different matter), he just takes it in and improves himself.
Note to all Adam fans out there: he is performing with Queen again, go watch it on youtube when it comes out!
And most definitely, he cares for everybody. Charity projects: Trevor and CharityWater. During Idol, everyone went to him for suggestions on song choice, and he happily helped them out. What will the world do without this guy?
Too precious <3
Lastly, and i think most importantly, my friends. All of them have influenced me in one way or another, inevitably. Let me list them out now:
Veronica Lee, my best buddy for 4 years and coming. I even skyped her just now HAHA. She taught me that I dont have to care about what others think of me, and just be myself. Acting cool, is NOT cool. We should appreciate those low profile people, because they are usually the ones who makes the best friends.
Goh Yee Hwa, my future personal designer >:) It's okay to be weird, it's okay to be unique, no matter how much people might criticize your taste. One day, you will end up being more successful than your peers. Also, even if you dont have much money with you, you can use the amount oyu have to its full potential.
Looh Yue Ning, the epitome of the goody two shoes. We must always respect our parents' decisions, no matter how unreasonable they are, and we should not argue back.Always be tolerant of other people no matter how much they irritate or annoy you, it is better that way.
Hwai Mun, my lovely, kind and down to earth girl. We should have a kind heart and treat everyone with care. Also, I have to stay true to myself, if not I wouldnt be happy. I dont have to like whatever other people likes. Oh, and it is worth waiting for that special someone in your life, rushing into things just aint good for you. :)
Someone whose name i shouldnt mention just in case. You can do achieve anything as long as you put your mind to it. From normal acad, to express, and 9 points for O lvls, now my schoolmate, and one of the coolest people to some others.
And my AC family, they taught me that no matter where you come from, what matters is now. <3
Who inspires you in your life? :)
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