Monday, June 11, 2012

So much for critical thinking. -.-

This post is gonna be based on this article:

Recently, there has been this huge hoo-ha over an SAJC guy hurling vulgar words at the our country's minister. The SA student initially apologised for using crude language but still stood by his stand of the minister's lack of response to the students' questions. However when he got 'counseled' by his school (i think) and was it along with other ministers? he had a magical change of heart and decided to delete his two blogposts on this subject, and even met with the minister to apologise to him. His friend stated that no one knew what had happened behind those close doors when the counselling session was taking place, but he was clearly shaken after that whole ordeal.

Firstly, let me make it clear that I am pro-PAP, have always been, and always will be. After all, they have been governing our country for 40 over years, they are the ones who know how to run the country best. And i think its best for them to continue to run the country.

However, this whole issue has left me feeling rather disgusted at how the government insiders chose to handle the situation.

Firstly, the 'fuck you sir' comment was made on that guy's blog, and not directly to the minister himself. He was not being rude in any way, just trying to express his dissatisfaction, which obviously couldn't be put in any other way because the other words weren't strong enough. I couldnt read the whole blog post because it was already deleted, but based on the screenshots, that was the only comment that was rude and vulgar. The rest of the post seemed to be intelligently written and well thought out. People instead chose to zoom in at that tiny little comment and say all kinds of things like 'Oh his parents didnt bring him up well' (well maybe not to that extent but the gist of it is definitely there) and all sorts of other nonsense.

Like hello, he isnt the only teenager who uses the f-word, and most of us use that word as a figure of speech. Oh, and we are no longer in the days where 'shit' is considered a swear word. Lesson for the SAJC kid? Well, there are lessons for the minister to learn too.

Many people liked the guy's blog post, and for good reasons. Condemning the minister for not answering the questions and instead throwing them back at the students? Seems legit. The minister defended his actions by saying 'I'm trying to get them to think more', and IMO, that's complete bullshit. Yeah, students should try to come up with solutions themselves, but like many people said/commented, (direct quotation from the TOC news report) ' the PUS showed that the latest generation of youth could not be accused of being apathetic and ambivalent about local issues.'
EVEN IF they could come up with solutions, the minister should at least give his own response to the questions for a clearer perspective, instead of merely giving a statement as vague as 'What do you think?', and expect students to be pleased with that answer. No, dear minister, it is not called nurturing young fine minds, it's just called being lazy.

It is really sad how this SA student has to go through this somewhat traumatising situation just because he freely spoke his mind. It's good that he had a change of mind and decided to be all 'pro-governent and their actions', but somehow, I cant help but feel that he wtas forced into it. Is that what he truly felt? Or was he threatened to do so? I mean, I dont think one can change his/her mind in just a few days. (gotta admit that I am putting this in a very nice way so that i wont get bashed or anything)

This just goes to show how much freedom of speech we have in Singapore, or rather, the lack of it, especially when the government will go so far as to come on down so hard on a student (to hide an obvious sign of incompetency) to maintain their godly status. We all have to be very careful as to what we say about the government, especially the smarter, more successful young ones. After all, we will be running the country in the future. Any sign of rebellion amongst these people, *target locked. destroy*.

The government doesnt do anything to those people who insult them without any depth eg. The worker's party is so much better! or Fuck PAP bunch of idiots, because they are just not worth it. Why fight with a bunch of seemingly uneducated, even stupid people who only know how to curse? But when it comes to a smart, well-versed young man who provides strong stands to his argument, oh, you better watch out.

Yup. End of my little rant. Anyway, Im typing this on my new laptop. I love it SOOOO much, gotta thank Ronnie for recommending me an ASUS lappie. See ya next time guys. :)

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